Talk about a ‘Bright Past -Brilliant Future’ our motto for our Centennial year. This year we’ve met, we’ve zoomed, we’ve raised money, we’ve raised awareness, we’ve cared, we’ve shared. You name it, we’ve had a go, all in the name of #westandupforwomen.
Soroptimists are nothing if not flexible!
We have a lot to be proud of as our members have adapted to what ever has been asked of them. Covid has continued to affect all our lives this year. And yet our Club has still held a full programme of events. When our meeting place became a quarantine hotel we found an alternative. When those arrangements had to change, we quickly adapted back to Zoom. Bad weather thwarted our tombola stall at the Kenilworth Christmas lighting up event, so we simply sorted another date and venue. Club has found a positive way to respond to what ever has been ‘thrown’ at them.
President Julie, definitely a woman of empowerment
The highlight of the year has to be the success of the Kenilworth Town Trail of 100 Women of Empowerment.
Thanks in a large part to our indomitable President Julie. We achieved all our objectives, increasing our profile locally as well as the profile of 100 amazing women. And raising money for The Parenting Project.
We’ve had fun and laughter while we did the serious side of Soroptimists – raising awareness of issues that affect Women and Girls.
Our local, national and international elements
The weekly art club at the local Refuge has been a great success. Obviously we can’t share too much about it but suffice to say that it has helped the women and children there build up their self esteem.
Our final fund raising efforts for the Parenting Projectto help families in crisis has surpassed all expectations. The Christmas stall tombola raised over £500. Although one Club member was maybe slightly less enthusiastic with the size of the prize her daughter won!!! One little girl was thrilled with winning some coasters saying’ Aren’t I lucky!’ A couple of other young ladies were thrilled to eventually win what was in their eyes, the main prize’ of a giant dog. Happiness all around.
We have also continued to support our friends in Malawi at the paediatric unit at the Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital in Blantyre. Marion produced this amazing e-card for us to send to our friendship link SI Blantyre. Please click on the link to see it in its full glory. Nativity Scene in St Nicholas Church
If you have enjoyed reading any of the blogs this year, and would be interested in finding out more – do contact us. As it says on our intro, we’re a friendly bunch who come in all ages, shapes and sizes. Think we’ll have to add ‘flexibility’ to the list!!!