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Queen Elizabeth at the Castle

Queen Elizabeth at the Castle


                                                      Queen Elizabeth I returned to Kenilworth Castle on Wednesday 12th May 2010, as part of the Kenilworth Festival.  The Virgin Queen, daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, was recreated by acclaimed historian and TV celebrity, Lesley Smith in an event organised by Kenilworth and District Soroptimist International. Lesley brought Elizabeth back to life in The Stables at Kenilworth Castle to a sell out audience.  To the audience’s surprise and delight she was joined by Sir Robert Dudley, played by a fellow historian.  Lesley said she was thrilled to be playing the role of Elizabeth at Kenilworth Castle which has such strong links to the former Queen.  There was an opportunity to take pictures and ask questions of the regal pair after the formal event as they mingled with the audience.  Lesley’s skill as an entertainer and educator was greatly appreciated by all.

Kenilworth Art Show ‘Draws’ in the Crowds!

Kenilworth Art Show ‘Draws’ in the Crowds!


 The Art Show which was held last week (13-16 May) during the Kenilworth Festival, has been heralded a roaring success. Organised by the Kenilworth and District Soroptimist International club and sponsored by The Construction and the Holiday Inn, over 230 pieces of work were displayed by local artists.  The new Mayoress of Kenilworth officially opened the show and Jean Lockley who organised the event was delighted with the breadth and variety of work presented. A record number of visitors attended the exhibition this year and Richard Simmons, MD at The Construction Centre and judge of the school entries and Kenilworth prize, said “The level of talent has been absolutely amazing.  In particular I would like to highlight Rachel Stevenson, who won the Special Achievement Award.  She is only 10 years old and produced some incredible work.” Much of the artwork displayed in the main gallery

Fayre Ladies

Fayre Ladies


Our first ‘open to the public’ Christmas Fayre was held on November 28th 2009 at St Francis Church Hall.  All the usual favourites; tombola, raffle, books, cakes, new to you etc, were joined by some invited stall holders.  Our guests included Water Aid, Myton Hospice, Traidcraft and a variety of arts and crafts from local people.  The plant stall (pictured) was a colourful and popular centrepiece.  The event raised £1105 for local charities.

Sink or Swim?

Sink or Swim?

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Bathing beauties Carole and Andrea take a well earned rest during the Leamington & Warwick SI Swimathon. The Kenilworth and District team of 6 (The Sink or Swimmers) managed 43 lengths between them in the 55 minutes allowed.  Team member Jo shared her training tip, ‘a Chinese takeaway and a bottle of Newcastle brown ale last night and a bacon butty this morning.’  If only we could all be so disciplined.

Joining Forces for a Fabulous Festival

Joining Forces for a Fabulous Festival

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The Kenilworth Festival committee has been boosted by a pledge of support from The Kenilworth Soroptimists.  The Festival, which is promoted by the Rotary Club, is organised by a committee of people from the community. President of the Soroptimists, Di Nash said: “The Kenilworth Festival is all about bringing the community together and promoting local businesses by putting on a varied programme of quality entertainment to appeal to all ages.  “We are delighted to lend our support and to help organise events such as the Art Exhibition and Sale, the Childrens’ Sports at Party in the Park and Elizabeth at the Castle – a historical talk by TV’s Lesley Smith who will visit the town during the Festival week.” Photograph shows Mike Lewis (left) and Roy Shearing (right), co-chairs of the Festival Committee, with Soroptimists Rebecca Probert and Jean Lockley. Co-Chair of the Kenilworth Festival,

International Literacy Day

International Literacy Day


INTERNATIONAL LITERACY DAY SEPTEMBER 2009 Soroptimist International supporting Book Aid International During September, help to raise money to send books to sub – Saharan Africa. For every £2 you collect, Book Aid International can send a book to a school or library How much value do you put on your ability to read and have access to a huge range of literature and information? If you live in sub Saharan Africa you do not have this opportunity of access as books are a luxury that very few can afford. Book Aid International state; ‘Books Change Lives’ Literacy is a basic human right, it opens the door to education and helps to lift communities out of poverty, however without books and reading materials, literacy is extremely hard to achieve and maintain. How can you help? During September, put a value on every thing you read and

You gotta have friends

You gotta have friends


FRIENDSHIP, FUN AND FOOD were certainly on the menu for our afternoon at Linda and Bede’s home. A group of some 22 members enjoyed the sunshine in Linda’s delightful garden on Saturday 22nd August.  She refreshed us with different flavours of tea served with scones (to die for), clotted cream and jam, beautiful sponges and homemade shortbread. WONDERFUL! Thank you Linda for giving us the opportunity to discuss ways of improving friendship, what a great example the afternoon was.  

Smoke me a kipper, I’ll be back for breakfast!

Smoke me a kipper, I’ll be back for breakfast!


Kenilworth & District Soroptimists took part in one of the group’s favourite pastimes in August – eating! This time it was breakfast at an event organised by Carole and Nick Nicholson. Guests were invited to enjoy traditional breakfast fare, including kedgeree and kippers, whilst enjoying a rare sunny Sunday in the Nicholson’s award-winning garden. Funds raised will go to one of the charities supported by the President this year.