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Eleanor Frost’ visit to India

Eleanor Frost’ visit to India


After receiving some sponsorship from SI Mansfield, Eleanor fulfilled her promise to speak about her journey to India. President Diane welcomed and introduced, Eleanor, who gave us a short power point presentation of her experience earlier this year in India. Eleanor spent 3 months in the Tamil Nadu region of India, as a youth volunteer with the Charity, ‘Restless Development’ part of a U.K. backed scheme, International Citizens Service. Eleanor told us she suffered, culture shock++, having left a privileged home life, she found herself responsible for her own washing,(in a bucket!’, getting meals ready,(mainly rice),sleeping on the floor in,(rooms of mixed sex and nationality),bare feet indoors only,(allowing the monkeys to steal her Birkenstocks!). Eleanor amongst several other volunteers, was hospitalised with dehydration caused by stomach upsets, but assured us she soon recovered, after receiving intravenous fluids. In essence, her message was very positive, she

Sisters to sisters

Sisters to sisters


SI Mansfield have spent the last 18 months making dresses for girls in Sierra Leone. As well as a further 187 dresses that have been made this year by members and friends, the making of the dresses have been included in the training of an apprentice at TEAM TOTS textiles in Eastwood, Nottingham, bags of  bedding, babywear , children’s clothes and ladies under garments, also generous cheque given by a member, was  sent to help people in one of the poorest countries in the world. Sierra Leone was also the epi centre of the recent Ebola crisis. In total SI Mansfield and friends have made a staggering 565 dresses. The photograph shows 3 sisters proudly modelling their new dresses.  

Gill Curry visits SI Mansfield

Gill Curry visits SI Mansfield


Gill gave a power point presentation, on their Club’s work supporting, the, Kori Women’s Development Project, in Sierra Leone, one of the poorest countries in the world, and epi centre of the Ebola crisis. Gill and other S.I. members will be visiting, many villages in the country, in October this year, preceded by a packed shipping container.                                     Previous containers have included everything from, gardening implements to, bedding, clothing, books, pots and pans, soap and feminine hygiene requirements, seed, rice, and even stackable school chairs! On leaving Mansfield this week, Gill’s car was packed with, 113 dresses, made by Mansfield members, bringing the total to, 492 dresses made in 18 months. Three large bags of baby wear, donated by ‘Team Tots’ of Eastwood, 1 bag of assorted children’s clothes,1 bag of underwear, and a cheque for £100.00. As Gill say’s, nothing is refused, and they will




We met early morning 8.30am at what they term ‘breakfast socialise’ the equivalent of our club meetings, they meet early to avoid the baking high temperatures often in triple digits. The meeting are 7.30-9am and includes a speaker and food. An executive  meeting follows and they kindly included me in on this occasion.  SI Gold Canyon was chartered in 2005 with 15 members their current membership is 30 with hopes for 5-8 new members within 2018. It is likely due to events such as ‘Pearls and Pyjamas ‘event a big now annual event where up to 70 entrants, where people come for dress up in ‘Pyjamas and Pearls’, prizes for the best dressed, and SI is discussed, handouts given and often results in new members president Melody – feels” it’s good for  members as a refresher and to focus  new members  interest and enthusiasm. Photo shows members of




Supper meeting for June 7, Mark Dengel, headmaster of Fountaindale who gave a power point presentation,about Fountaindale school, as it was, and the wonderful refurbish facility now. Their ambitious future plans are to raise funds, to create outdoor play area’s, woodland walks, and ‘hanging out’ spaces for the teenagers. All the works and equipment will have to be funded by the school, and we are happy that this year, we will be fundraising partly, for this worthy project

SI San Diego welcomes Mansfield SI members

SI San Diego welcomes Mansfield SI members


International Projects Committee Welcome Guests from England Several members of the International Projects committee recently welcomed members of SI Mansfield & District, England to San Diego.  The group met for lunch at the Guadalajara Grill in Old Town. The Mansfield & District Club was chartered in 1957 and has developed into a lively, energetic and committed group of 40 members.  President Eileen Stewart tells us that Programme Action is at the forefront of their fundraising activities and their events are so popular that community members who attend and support them ask when they will be organizing their next event.

President Diane 2017/18

President Diane 2017/18


April saw the inauguration of this years President. Diane Milner. We start the year off with a Champagne celebration at Past President home Anne Bull. Canapés were provided by the Social and Hospitality team and the champagne by Soroptimister Peter Challis husband of Sue.

Diamond Year for Mansfield and District

Diamond Year for Mansfield and District


  President, Diane Milner, and hostess, Mrs Anne Bull, were pleased to entertain the Members of S.I. Mansfield & District, to a Champagne and Canapé evening on the 2nd May. The event was to celebrate, the ‘Diamond’ anniversary of the Club, which was chartered in 1957, and has focused it’s work on Local, National and International concerns for 60 years. President Diane has chosen for her year in office, the Diamond Education Fund, helping students to complete advanced education, and Fountaindale School, our local Specialist Education Centre, on the outskirts of Mansfield. All events during this year, will be fundraisers for these 2 recipients, and it promises to be a busy year for the Club members. Included are; our popular Craft Fair, with home made lunches and refreshments available, at the Ravenshead Village Hall, in July, and a Male Voice  Choir, Concert in the Autumn.

Quiz Sheets

Quiz Sheets


As requested, another quiz in which Jack and Julie experiencing a mid-life gap year. They have decided to tour the UK sightseeing and visiting places of interest. It is now up to you to trace their journey. The cryptic clues are there, can you trace the places that they visited. £2 per quiz sheet and £100 for the winner. Contact Pam for more details.