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Soroptimist International - Surrey Hills

Soroptimist International of Surrey Hills is part of a worldwide organisation of women, which is linked to the United Nations.

Welcome to SI Surrey Hills

  • Are you interested in volunteering but don’t know where to start?
  • Are you keen to see women and girls achieving their full potential, both here and abroad?
  • Could you be part of a 72,000-strong movement of women working to improve the lives of women and girls across the world?
  • Would you like to meet a group of local women who feel the same?

Then SI Surrey Hills is for you!

SI Surrey Hills is your local branch of Soroptimist International. We are a busy club, working on our projects to educate, empower and enable women and girls, both here and across the world. Currently we are examining local plans to challenge and tackle violence against women and girls and hold authorities to account. But we also work on smaller (but no less important) projects – collecting bras and new knickers for Smalls for All, who pass them on to women and girls in need, writing letters to cancer sufferers with From Me To You, or supporting Your Sanctuary, Surrey’s local women’s refuge, with necessities and gifts.

These are just a few of our current projects. But we want to do more!  That’s where you come in…..

What do you get out of it?  A sense of helping others, working on projects which directly help women and girls both locally and throughout the world, talks which educate you, regional meetings and our annual Conference, where over 1,000 women gather to debate and learn.  Soroptimist International gets the benefit of your skills and enthusiasm.  And women and girls across the world get the support and recognition they deserve.

If you would like to find out more about Soroptimism in general and SI Surrey Hills in particular, we would be delighted to see you at one of our meetings.  Please contact us through this website and our Membership Co-ordinator will be in touch.

We look forward to seeing you!

Soroptimists challenge the future
in Dublin

Some of our members attended the SI Convention in Dublin recently. This four yearly event brings together Soroptimists from all five Federations to meet and learn more about the challenges facing women and girls across the globe today, and discuss what we can do to help. We heard from knowledgeable and passionate experts speaking on topics ranging from the importance of including women when establishing peace and security measures, both domestically and internationally, to how climate change is disproportionately impacting women and girls, particularly in emerging economies. We were honoured to be among 1700 Soroptimists from many cultures but all with the same goal: to educate, empower and enable women and girls to achieve their full potential, wherever they live.

Coffee, cake and conversation at our Orange Cafes

On the 25th of every month, members of SI Surrey Hills will be at a local coffee shop and we’d love to see you for coffee (or tea!), cake and conversation. In particular, we will be raising awareness of the global campaign to eliminate violence against women and girls.

If you would to join us to discuss the campaign or any other issue affecting women and girls, or would just like a friendly chat, we’d love to see you. Contact us through the website or see our Facebook page for details of exactly where we’ll be and when. We’ll be the women wearing orange!