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Empowering girls in Nepal

Previously, our SI federation, Soroptimist International of Great Britain and Ireland (SIGBI), undertook a new major project supporting women and girls across the world every 3 years.  In November 2019 SIGBI launched its project, a collaboration with the charity ChoraChori UK.

This was a project close to the Club members because of the Gurkha connections in Aldershot.  The mission was to rescue Nepalese children from abusive situations in Nepal and India, manage their trauma and reintegrate them, where possible, with their families and communities. SIGBI’s project supported the charity’s Children’s Refuge and Rehabilitation Centre in Nepal, where survivors of trafficking and abuse were helped to rebuild their lives, through education and training.


The Club’s campaign was launched at an event in Aldershot attended by representatives of ChoraChori, local Soroptimists and members of the public.  Surrey Hills supported this project through various fund-raising events throughout the project’s duration.

The project met a number of UN Sustainable Development Goals.