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Friendship Links

An important part of all Soroptimist clubs is the links that are formed with fellow Soroptimists all over the world.  Some of these links are informal, friends met at various conferences and conventions or by visiting another club when on holiday or working.  Some of the links are more formal – and these are known as Friendship Links.  Clubs pledge to maintain contact and here in the Surrey Hills, we have three Friendship Links.   These are (in no particular order)

Freiburg, Germany, SI Europe 

Traditionally, Clubs visit one another whenever possible and during the last visit to SI Freiburg, we had the opportunity to experience the Freiburg Soroptimists’ Second Hand Clothing event raising money for the local Women’s Refuge Centre.  Many of the members worked extremely hard to entice members of the public to spend their money on new outfits.  It was an all-day event and at the end they had raised an amazing £15,000!

Ribe, Denmark, SI Europe

The Club has also been fortunate to visit our friendship link club in Ribe, Denmark. Ribe is one of our friendship link clubs which help us as Soroptimists forge links over the world. Ribe had invited all of its friendship links, and a good weekend was had by all.

The picture shows member Moira demonstrating international friendship with the aid of a few glasses (which all seem to be empty)!

Esperance, Trinidad & Tobago, SIGBI.  Our formal link with SI Esperance began during the Covid lockdown, but followed on from a visit by Rowena, a member of SI Esperance, who visits Camberley frequently.

We are hoping that the two Clubs will be  able to work together on a joint project.

Below: members Olein and Louise meet Rowena on her latest visit.