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About SI Bingley

Our Business meetings are held at 7.30pm -9.30pm on the 2nd Tuesday of each month (excluding August and December) at Eldwick Church Hall. These are chaired on a rota basis by members of the Executive and Development committee. The first half  of the evening involves members getting together in groups to plan their activities for the Programme Action Groups before reporting back. After refreshments the second half of the Business meeting is held which deals with club governance, updates on community work or members news and other items on the agenda such as finance.

Our Social Meetings are held at 7.30pm on the 4th Tuesday of each month (excluding May, August and December) at Eldwick Memorial Hall. We often have a guest speaker and recent talks and have been both informative and entertaining. Social events eg. a Quiz night, are organised by groups within the club and often involve food and wine! Funds for charities that we support are often raised through raffles or a tombola. Members of other also local clubs are invited to attend.


Our Annual General Meeting is held in April each year. In addition during  August and December we have Summer and Christmas social events.

As part of the wider Soroptomist family of clubs we also the opportunity to attend Quarterly Yorkshire Regional meetings and Annual Conferences which is open to any member.

Club meetings enable members to relax and enjoy each other’s company. We are very much aware of demands upon women’s time and the pressures of balancing home, family and work.

It is recognised that time for some members is limited and we appreciate any level of participation and contribution that a person can offer.