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Helping to promote period dignity in Surrey

Surrey is regarded as a wealthy county but period stigma still exists. SI Surrey Hills worked with Surrey County Council to deliver their mission: to be the first council to eradicate period stigma.

The campaign made locations, such as local libraries, the focal point for the donation and collection of period products.  The scheme is supported by Binti International, a charity which aims to ensure menstrual dignity to girls all around world.  Binti has developed an app for donors and recipients to find the location of their nearest supporting outlet.

It is hoped over time the scheme, will become commonplace, supporting women and girls across the county.  Guildford Borough Council became the first borough council supporter.

To support the Council’s efforts, members of our club visited libraries across the region where the scheme was operating and compiled a report on various aspects, such as the ease of locating sanitary products.  We submitted our
report to the Council, who were pleased to receive our comments and suggestions.

You can donate products to your local library or ensure anyone who needs help with the provision of products knows about the scheme and downloads the app.