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April 2015 – Major Panic Time

April 2015 – Major Panic Time


Agghh!!!   After some difficulties I’ve finally heard back from the Lead Pharmacist at the hospital.   He wants me to organise the hospital wards inventory in order to come up with the exact list of medicines that a ward can keep.   They are just in the process of setting up the provision of clinical pharmacy services.   They had only just invented Ward Pharmacists when I last worked in hospital!   I thought I would simply be dispensing, a skill I also haven’t used since 2002 but trust that like riding a bike, haven’t forgotten.   I’m beginning to worry that I’ve bitten off more than I can chew.   My current role is advising GPs about elderly frail patients and conducting medication reviews in care homes.   Rather the opposite end of the spectrum to paediatrics.   Not only am I going to have to remind myself about paediatric

March 2015 – A battle of wills begins

March 2015 – A battle of wills begins


Where the heck is Malawi?   The way my husband is behaving you’d think it was the back of beyond and that he’ll be waving me off a la Paddington with a marmalade sandwich in my pocket and a label attached to my coat!   We’ve made contact with Soroptimists there for goodness sake!   I’ll be working in the hospital, not backpacking in the wild.   They have internet, albeit not always reliable but I’m sure I’ll be fine.   He’s really not happy with my proposed mini – VSO trip; apparently I’m not supposed to spend the money from his Mum this way.   We watch Comic Relief and this doesn’t help.   He feels that, if I must, I should just give the money to the Friends of Sick Children in Malawi and let them decide what will help.   Our two daughters are most bemused; they can’t understand

February 2015 A Plan

February 2015 A Plan


OUR PRESIDENT ELECT PUTS THE IDEA TO CLUB AND I HATCH A PLAN. I’ve never done VSO, this might be my chance to do a mini version.   My New Year’s resolution is to do things now rather than wait until I retire. I contact Gordon from Friends of Sick Children in Malawi to explore whether it is feasible.    I’m a pharmacist so my plan is to help in the dispensary of the hospital pharmacy.    My luggage allowance is 2 x 23kg plus 12kg for cabin so maybe I could use some of it to take supplies out. He puts me in touch with various people in Blantyre at the Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital and the Nursing School.    Email doesn’t seem to be easy; I either get a reply straight away or not at all.   It’s not helped by emails disappearing into my spam box, which

January 2015 An Idea

January 2015 An Idea


  OUR PRESIDENT ELECT SOWS THESEED OF AN IDEA FOR BOTH OF US. We’ve hit our target of £2000 in one year instead of two to train a paediatric nurse, and at the dinner meeting I enjoy the update from Alexis and Gordon Cowie, trustees of the charity Friends of Sick Children in Malawi ( I’m really impressed with the work being done, not least with the information that 99.7pence in every pound goes directly to the projects we have sponsored.    It’s always great to hear about the paediatric nurses we have supported, we began back in 2013 and the reports have encouraged Club and successive Presidents to continue this as our International charity. President Elect Elaine whispers to me ‘wouldn’t it be great to actually go out there’.   I agree – it’s an interesting idea but am I up for this? Dave, my husband, decides

Malawi Bid Shortlisted for next SIGBI 4 Year project

Malawi Bid Shortlisted for next SIGBI 4 Year project

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      “How to put a smile on her face” Kenilworth and District SI are delighted to report that their bid “Child Mortality in Malawi” has been shortlisted for the next SIGBI four year project. Working through the charity Friends of Sick Children in Malawi (FOSCIM), and with the support of SI Blantyre, local nurses will be supported with specialist paediatric training to enable them to work more effectively with sick children and to pass on their skills to others.    

Lions Show Fundraising

Lions Show Fundraising


Soroptimists were at the recent Lions Show in Abbey Fields, Kenilworth – despite the miserable weather – selling plants to raise funds for a charity we support: Friends of Sick Children in Malawi. A large array of bedding plants, kindly donated by Borden Hill Nurseries, was available. Nearly £400 was raised on the day with additional funds being raised through the sale of left over plants after the event.

Fund Raising for Nepal

Fund Raising for Nepal


Soroptimists from Kenilworth & District SI and friends recently raised money for the victims of the Nepal earthquakes, donating £750 to the Disaster Emergency Committee. One of our members hosted a tea party where we enjoyed cakes baked by members, a jam sale and a raffle – and of course a chance to catch up with our friends. Additional funds were raised through the sale of cakes not used and a canal trip.  

Soroptimists raise awareness and money in support of Ovarian Cancer

Soroptimists raise awareness and money in support of Ovarian Cancer

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The Kenilworth and District Soroptimists held a fund raising event at Stoneleigh Golf Club to raise money and raise awareness for Ovarian Cancer Action. A group of 44 Soroptimists, friends and family gathered to play skittles and indoor games; they also held a quiz at the event all to raise money for this very worthy cause.   The local Soroptimists are specifically supporting the charity this year as part of their commitment to Educate, Empower and Enable women and girls to reach their full potential. The event raised £300 for this very worthy charity and is the first in a number of activities and events to raise money for Ovarian Cancer Action.  

Race for Life

Race for Life


The Race for Life raises money for Cancer Research. Soroptimists from SI Kenilworth will be taking part in the 5K race at Stoneleigh on Sunday 28th June 2015. More information about the event can be found on their website: