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Two women with standing with framed certificate of long service
So what was special about September?

So what was special about September?

It was certainly a very special September for so many reasons.  With so many firsts it was a fabulous beginning to Autumn. We got off to a flying start with coffee and cake at Ann P’s in aid of Friends of Sick Children in Malawi.   With the added bonus for our more organised members to bag some bargains for Christmas.   What’s not to like 🙂 Our Club has enjoyed a long and special relationship with Friends of Sick Children in Malawi through Gordon Cowie.   It’s always heartening to hear how things are improving in the paediatric unit of Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital in Blantyre.   However it is still salutary to learn how much they achieve with so very little.   The £340 we raised we know will be used to great effect.   More fun was to be had at our first face to face meetings.

woman in turquoise jacket holding a sheet of paper looking at display in window
Putting women who’ve made a difference on the map!

Putting women who’ve made a difference on the map!

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If you had to choose, which women would you want represented on a trail map around Kenilworth?   And why?   Who would be in your hot one hundred?   Have they made a difference to your own life?   Are they someone you feel hasn’t had enough recognition for their efforts? As part of our celebrations for Soroptimists International 100th year, club members nominated one hundred women.   President Julie and team then created a Women of Empowerment Trail around our town of Kenilworth.   Limiting the number to 100 proved quite a challenge once we got into the swing of it   And some of the nominations generated some fierce discussion.   Well what would you expect from a Club of strong minded women!    Even through Lockdowns we’ve been a lively bunch and actively encourage discussion.

Purple background SIGBI logo with title putting women on the map
How do you choose where to start?

How do you choose where to start?

How do you choose when your Club has done so many amazing things this past month?   And have yet more in the pipeline over the coming few weeks?   We’re positively spoilt for choice!   It’s so hard to know where to begin! Our 100 Women of Empowerment Kenilworth Town Trail 23rd-30th August Not long now before we celebrate our Centenary!   The bios for each woman are ready and the representations created.   We’ve got the maps and quizzes sorted, we just need to set everything out.   We’re going to be super busy over the next few weeks.   But we’re looking forward to the reactions, and the discussions the Trail generates.   Who would you choose as one of your women who you think has made a difference to our world?   Do you disagree with any of our choices!   We’re sure there must be some unsung heroines we’ve missed. 

Can you have fun as a Soroptimist?

Can you have fun as a Soroptimist?

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Well for our Club the question should be ‘how much fun can you have? Adapting the saying ‘ All work and no play makes June a dull month’ certainly doesn’t apply to our Club.   Whilst we stay committed to standing up for women, and gender equality, and doing our bit for the environment,  we still know how to enjoy ourselves.   Whether we meet via Zoom or in person staying within the current Covid guidelines.   With a glass of something bubbly, and usually some cake, our members always commit whole heartedly to what every project we’re working on.    Do read on!

5 women and a dog finish Moonwalk
M for May, Membership and Moonwalks

M for May, Membership and Moonwalks

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May might have been the wettest on record but it certainly wasn’t a washout for our Club!   Watch our brilliant video about why we’re members of Soroptimists!   Enjoy reading about Lin’s amazing Moonwalk in the pink. May stands for Membership month in the Soroptimist calendar Amina, our newest member, and Julie P, our current president, with the help of Anita’s son Tom, have created a fantastic video.   It brilliantly sets out exactly why we are members of this women’s organisation.   And why it’s so important still in the 21st Century to Stand Up For Women. Sit back and watch it by clicking on this link Membership Video Always keen to raise our profile of our members in Kenilworth & District, Julie also appeared in our local paper The Courier.   Setting out her for her presidential year. In the Pink – Moonwalking around Kenilworth Well not

Portrait photos two women with photo of regalia between them
And it’s A stars all around for our Club!

And it’s A stars all around for our Club!

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April is a month of change for our Club with lots happening all beginning with A and many deserving stars for their actions. Who would have thought we would still be using Zoom for our meetings?!   But we’re getting used to it and 33 of our Club welcomed new President Julie to her role at the AGM. Amanda as one our newest members read the Soroptimist Vison and Mission statements  Gill has been an amazing President this past year.   Despite all her wonderful plans for her year, nothing could have prepared for a pandemic.   Yet Gill has led our Club through these strange and difficult times.   She has educated, enabled and empowered many Club members to use Zoom.   This has been shown by the high attendance we’ve had at our Zoom meetings. As Julie said in her speech of thanks to Gill, as with the

It’s the 8th of March so it’s International Women’s Day!

It’s the 8th of March so it’s International Women’s Day!

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International Women’s Day 2021#ChooseToChallenge                 Our Soroptimist motto for this year’s International Women’s day is  #We Choose To Challenge. Soroptimists around the world have been celebrating International Women’s Day for many years.   So it’s been great to hear so much on the BBC about it this year.    From songs such as the iconic ‘Sisters are doing for themselves’ by the Queen of Soul Aretha Franklin to the brilliant film ‘Hidden Figures‘. Clubs around the country have been busily posting on their social media sites.   Do take a moment to click on this link to watch a fabulous video made by SI Bristol. International Women’s Day 2021 – 537DAFF8 9E51 4403 8A4B 988212459F44 – YouTube   There is much to be optimistic about that finally by choosing to challenge the status quo we can succeed in achieveinggender equality

Younger woman with zimmer frame
So February is the shortest month?

So February is the shortest month?

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February might be the shortest month of the year but we haven’t been short on action! And as another month rolls round during Lockdown 3, we’ve been women of action as usual.   Supporting the NSPCC, the NHS and celebrating our connection to Malawi.   And not least of all, each other, at home and abroad with our Friendship Links. Eat In to Help Out Valentine’s Day provided the perfect excuse to eat in and help out to support our local NSPCC group.   Several Club members are involved with the local group and they alerted us to an amazing meal deal  Sean, mine host, at The Anchor in Leek Wootton was offering.   All we had to do was choose two courses, book a collection slot, pay and provide our own beverages.    The NSPCC left envelopes so we could make our donations with Gift Aid.   What was

Card with Kenilworth Castle and Christmas greetings
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

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Christmas with a difference! Who would have thought it back in March that we would be so familiar with Zoom, tiers and social distancing?   This year has not been how we ever imagined life would be.   Birthdays this year have taken on a new meaning as when ever we sing ‘Happy Birthday’ now we all think about washing our hands!   And Christmas is certainly going to be very different for us all. However, as ever, Club members have responded in their usual positive fashion.   Thinking of each other, and those women less fortunate as always. Christmas greetings Thanks to Marion, President Gill has sent out a lovely e-card to our sister Soroptimists in Midland Arden Region. ‘We at Soroptimist International Kenilworth and District hope that you will enjoy a peaceful Christmas and a healthy New Year with increasing optimism for the future.  Kindest regards from