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So, what on earth do I say now when someone admits they’re being abused?

So, what on earth do I say now when someone admits they’re being abused?

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Would you know how to respond in those first moments if someone had enough courage to tell you that they thought they were being abused? Could you recognise the signs that someone might want to tell you something important about their situation? How would you raise the subject if you thought someone might be in an abusive relationship?

A lovely message from Malawi, just the thing before Christmas

A lovely message from Malawi, just the thing before Christmas

We had a lovely message from Elizabeth, the nurse whom we’ve sponsored to undertake specialised training to help sick children in Malawi, updating us on her progress. Just in time for Christmas 🙂 She wrote: Currently we are finalising the second semester of our third year. We will have a break for Christmas then finish by February next year and we are expected to start our final year in March next year. We continue to be very grateful for the support we have received. We are both doing fine both personally and academically. Please find attached a copy of last semesters results. Regards Elizabeth. Ref : BSNM5316 To : Elizabeth Ngalawango From : University Registrar Date : 21-09-2019 5th Semester Academic Assessment Results Senate, at its Meeting held on 20th September 2019 confirmed end of semester academic assessment results from Faculty Of Health Sciences, and
November Dinner meeting, all about Friendship

November Dinner meeting, all about Friendship


Following our ceremony to remember our Friendship links with other Clubs, we welcomed Cheryll Rawbone, Chairman of a local charity called the Friendship Project. The charity works to link disadvantaged children to adult volunteers as friends to enjoy regular 1-2-1 support and enable these young people to have a positive outcome. The charity has deservedly one several awards, the most recent being the ‘Achieves for Charity’ in October 2018 and the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service When thanking Cheryll for her very interesting talk, Club member Barbara so eloquently said ‘Out there, in our own community, there are so many people vulnerable young people and many of them have broken wings If a regular friend can show them respect and give them a regular special time when they feel safe and secure and valued, with time those broken wings may begin to slowly heal and

White Ribbon Christmas Tree as part of our 16 Days of Action

White Ribbon Christmas Tree as part of our 16 Days of Action


As part of our 16 Days of Action we’ve decorated our Christmas Tree at the annual display in St Nicholas Church with White Ribbons and information about this campaign aimed at men. Their motto is Men Working to End Men’s Violence against Women It would be great if we could get Kenilworth declared a ‘White Ribbon’ town. In the mean time, we’re aiming to get as many men as possible to sign the pledge to never commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women. For more info, check out

UN Sustainable Goal 15 – Life on Land gets a helping hand in Kenilworth

UN Sustainable Goal 15 – Life on Land gets a helping hand in Kenilworth


We went litter picking with the Green Party group in Kenilworth. Although Soroptimists are a non-political organisation we took the opportunity to contribute to SDG 15. Life on land can only be healthy when waste is properly managed. All together we collected over 15 bags of waste, mostly plastic and drinks cans. Amongst the more unusual items were a workman’s fluorescent jacket, a ‘for sale’ sign and a bike pump. There was also a whole bag of waste dog poo bags – shame on you dog walkers 🙁 We also took the opportunity to spread the word about what we as Soroptimists do to help women and children. Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss

Fork handles!

Fork handles!


The Gardening Gang decided it was that time of year to tidy up Joan’s garden and take the opportunity to replant some of the borders, ready for Joan to enjoy next year. Much digging and weeding was followed a week later by a mass planting session of bulbs, perennials and shrubs kindly donated by one of our neighbours.

Saturday evening – Barn Dance and ‘peeling the banana’!

Saturday evening – Barn Dance and ‘peeling the banana’!


To add to the general fun and merriment of the weekend, we decided organise a Barn Dance with live band and caller as a quintessential British activity to teach our Dutch and German sisters how to dance!   Only a few toes were trod on and there was much hilarity all round. We all learnt a new step called ‘peel your banana’, which mainly involved running around the line of participants in your group as fast as possible to get back to the start!   Chaos and mayhem which provided much amusement for those watching. Which way now?!!!             And of course, some cake!