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Warsaw Sisters Visit St Albans

Warsaw Sisters Visit St Albans

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Soroptimist Sisters from Warsaw Visit St Albans Members of Soroptimist International  (SI) Warsaw visited SI St Albans and District in May for an action packed weekend.  We were welcomed at the brand new John Lewis Heritage Centre in Cookham Berkshire, by Judy Faraday, Club Member and Archivist for the John Lewis Partnership. With it being the 150th Anniversary of the John Lewis business this year it was an extremely interesting visit that was also shared by St Albans and District Soroptimist Club Members and partners On their last day our Soroptimist friends from Warsaw were treated to a journey through St Albans history with a guided walk in St Albans. They were again joined by “rent-a-crowd” – the St Albans and District Soroptimist Club Members and partners. Over the weekend there was also time for shopping and entertainment including meals in Members’ homes on

New Club Year

New Club Year

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The Club started the new Club Year in style with a celebration of the Club’s 57th Anniversary following the AGM at “The Cricketers” in Redbourn. The first picture here is of the Club’s last President Helen Byrne and the Regional President Penny Dmoch both shaking new President Denise Powell’s hands. Denise introduced the theme ‘Changing together, changing lives’ for the new year, please read her message here: Denise and Penny are also pictured here with all the members who were presented with their long service awards for their Soroptimist Membership by Penny. The final picture is of a delicious birthday cake in front of the Club’s Charter Certificate. We celebrated the 57th Anniversary with a buffet and then demolished the cake in true Soroptimist fashion!  

Quiz Night Success

Quiz Night Success

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The Charity Quiz Night on Sat 12 April was a great success – we raised a whopping £1,075.50 and everyone really enjoyed themselves. This Soroptimist fundraiser was in aid of the Club’s international project International Peace Initiatives – a Kenyan charity transforming the lives of girls and HIV-positive women see and The money will keep the 4 girls we help sponsor through their high school education. The event was completely sold out as you can see from the picture below so be sure to put next year’s date in your diary now – 18 April 2015 at Homewood Road Church Hall St Albans.

Member Influences UN in New York

Member Influences UN in New York

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The 58th meeting of the United Nations (UN) Commission on the Status of women (CSW) was influenced by Hilary Ratcliffe who led a large contingent of Soroptimists. Hilary is a member of Soroptimist International St Albans and District and holds one of the most senior positions in the organisation as the International Programme Director for Soroptimist International (SI is the Soroptimist umbrella organisation with more than 80,000 members). Hilary and the team were negotiating on behalf of Soroptimists from all over the world (Soroptimists have UN Consultative status). The UN Millennium Development Goals expire in 2015 and it is essential that the post-2015 global development agenda puts the empowerment of women and girls at its centre. Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Head of UN Women said “Member States have stressed that while the Millennium Development Goals have advanced progress in many areas, they remain unfinished business as long as gender inequality persists”. Hilary said “We are delighted that the

Wonderful Women’s Day in St Albans

Wonderful Women’s Day in St Albans

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  Educate to Empower and Enable Women and Girls To celebrate International Women’s Day St Albans and District Soroptimists were joined by The Right Worshipful the Mayor of St Albans City and District, Councillor Annie Brewster, Margaret Chapman, Head of St Albans Girls School, Girl Guides, members of the Hertfordshire Asian Women’s Association plus many more friends and supporters who had been invited to “Join Women on the Bridge” in Verulamium Park St Albans. The theme for the day was “Educate to Empower and Enable Women and Girls”. Undeterred by the recent flooding, the 50-strong group met on the bridge over the boating lake as a symbol of connecting with women all over the world. Everyone wore blue and attracted much attention as they marched with balloons, banners and placards through the park, singing and chanting with a guitar accompaniment and a megaphone!   After the march, at the “Inn on

“Swap-Shop” – success and fun

“Swap-Shop” – success and fun

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The January ”Swap-Shop” – raised £75 for the University of Hertfordshire, Soroptimist Peggy Hodges female engineering prize. Members and friends swapped unwanted Christmas gifts and clothes and made a donation for their newly swapped acquisitions. The evening was fun and a good opportunity for people to get to know each other better in an informal setting.

Club Welcomes 6 New Members!

Club Welcomes 6 New Members!

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The Soroptimist International St Albans & District Club was delighted to be able to welcome six new members to the Club at their first meeting of 2014 – what a great start to the New Year! We hope they will all enjoy their membership and we are sure that as Soroptimists they will inspire action and transform many lives of women and girls in the exciting times ahead for the Club and the organisation.    Pictured are: Front row l to r – new members Janet Audley-Charles, Patsy Cann, Jane Ellis, Back row l to r – Membership Officer Helen Byrne, new members Pamela Rochford, Debbie Tankard, Maggie Gatza This story also appeared in the St Albans & Harpenden Review:

Top Female Engineers Win Soroptimist Award

Top Female Engineers Win Soroptimist Award

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On the 20th November Yuwei Luo and Zhili Deng were awarded the Soroptimist International St Albans and District: Peggy Hodges Prize for the highest performing female student completing the second year of a full time MEng/BEng Engineering degree at the University of Hertfordshire. Pictured here, following the prize-giving event, from left to right are: Zhili Deng, Jean Eaton Past-President Soroptimist International St Albans & District Club and Yuwei Luo. In the second picture Shweta Mehta (2011 award winner) and Chen Chen Wu (2012 award winner) join the group because they won further University awards this year. Peggy Hodges was a highly acclaimed British engineer who was awarded an OBE for her services to engineering at a time when this was even rarer than it is today for a woman. Peggy was a member of Soroptimist International the global women’s organisation and she left a legacy to her Club, St Albans and District. One of

A memorable visit to Pearls at the V and A

A memorable visit to Pearls at the V and A

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  Members from Soroptimist International St Albans & District, Winchester and Preston Clubs were privileged to attend a lecture by Beatriz Chadour-Sampson at the V & A on Saturday 16 Nov. Beatriz is a Soroptimist, a jewellery historian and consultant curator to the V&A. She gave us a comprehensive overview of the exhibition using high-definition images of many of the spectacular pieces. We particularly enjoyed the fascinating insights into the immense amount of work required to curate such a world-class exhibition. The V & A provided a delicious lunch in the seminar room and the clubs had a chance to socialise; this would not have been possible in the tumult of the V & A cafe!  In the afternoon we visited the exhibition at our leisure. Of course it stands on its own merits but we all thought we gained so much more because of our

Club Sees Red for Annual Conference

Club Sees Red for Annual Conference

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Soroptimists Resolve to Raise Awareness of Modern Day Slavery and Endometriosis 1200 Women make a Big Red Splash in NewcastleGateshead Soroptimist Annual Conference 1-2 Nov Newcastle/Gateshead    Soroptimists from SI St Albans and District joined over 1,200 members from 29 countries of the global women’s organisation Soroptimist International (SI) at their annual Conference. Soroptimists wore red on Friday 1st November to raise awareness of Endometriosis, a condition that affects about 1.5 million women in the UK and 176 million women worldwide. Later that same day they passed two important resolutions: 1. Soroptimists to alert young women and girls, health providers and the general public to the symptoms of endometriosis and the importance of early diagnosis 2. Soroptimists to take the lead in campaigning to raise awareness of modern-day slavery.  This year’s Conference was held at the Sage Gateshead centre in NewcastleGateshead, and had the theme ‘From

Walking Book Group

Walking Book Group


A small group of members had a really enjoyable time recently, walking in Heartwood Forest on a lovely Sunday morning in July. Several other things came out of the walk – a discussion about forced marriage and some funds for the BIG Project. The walk was our day of action in aid of the BIG Project – the SIGBI Project – Birthing in the Gambia and we collected £34. During the walk several of us discussed the book “Shame” by Jasvinder Singhera which we had all read. This autobiography tells the story of how Jasvinder ran away from a forced marriage and how, following the sucide of her sister who was forced into a brutal marriage, Jasvinder set up the charity Karma Nirvana to help other women in similar situations.   Having developed an appetite we then repaired to the Rose and Crown in Sandridge

Knebworth Win Soroptimist Girls Cricket League

Knebworth Win Soroptimist Girls Cricket League

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[new_royalslider id=”1″] Knebworth Under 13s were crowned champions of the Soroptimist Audrey Collins Girls Hertfordshire Cricket League by narrowly beating Hemel Hempstead, in the county final on Sunday 14 July. The triumphant Knebworth Girls U13s are pictured here celebrating and being presented with the shield, trophy and a cheque by Helen Byrne, Immediate Past-President of Soroptimist International St Albans & District. Hemel Hempstead Girls were bitterly disappointed having won in 2011, and been very close runners up again in 2012. Jonathan Cirkel, the Knebworth Girls’ Coach (also pictured) said “It is great for the girls to have their own league tournament to play for thanks to Audrey Collins and the Soroptimists. I am so proud that my girls have won this year – they played brilliantly”. Helen said “We hope the league will encourage more girls to join Hertfordshire Cricket Clubs so that the league can go from strength to strengh as



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We had a lively and interesting meeting in July when Claire McCreesh came to the Club to give Members an update on Fairtrade in St Albans.St Albans gained Fairtade status in 2006, but lost it in 2011. Claire was a key member of the steering group that helped St Albans Council to get Fairtrade status back in March this year. There is a need for people and groups to get involved to ensure St Albans doesn’t lose it again. As a Club we were pleased to be able to tell Claire that we have agreed that we will be Fairtrade from now on by always serving Fairtrade tea, coffee and biscuits at our meetings. Sadly Claire is moving out of the area, but the Club will keep in touch with the St Albans Fairtrade steering group. Claire McCreesh is pictured here with Helen Byrne, the Club’s

Top Female Engineering Students

Top Female Engineering Students

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The Club was proud to welcome Tatiana Olivieri and Shweta Mehta as guests at the Club meeting on Monday 10 June – pictured here with Club President-Elect Denise Powell. They were both recipients of the Soroptimist International St Albans and District: Peggy Hodges Prize for the highest performing female student completing the second year of a full time MEng/BEng Engineering degree at the University of Hertfordshire in 2010 and 2011 respectively. Tatiana’s 1st Class Honours degree is in Digital Technology and she is now working for Astrium in Stevenage, gaining valuable experience before returning to Brazil. Tatiana remembers spending her prize money towards a new PC which she needed for her work. Shweta’s 1st Class Honours degree is in Aerospace Engineering, She is now looking for work. She reported that she used her prize money to put towards her international tution fees. Sadly the other 2

Soroptimists Take Action on Women Prisoners

Soroptimists Take Action on Women Prisoners

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Soroptimists in Westminster for Launch of “Reducing Women’s Imprisonment” campaign Three members of Soroptimist International St Albans & District attended a launch of the joint Soroptimist International Great Britain and Ireland UK Programme Action Committee (UKPAC) and Prison Reform Trust Project to “Reduce Women’s Imprisonment” was held at the House of Commons on Thursday 25th April 2013. They are pictured here l to r Laura Redhead, Janet Tansley, Jane Slatter. The Westminster launch was a great success with many MPs, Ministers and Peers attending the reception alongside the many Soroptimists who had travelled there from all parts of the UK.   Minister for Justice Lord McNally gave encouragement for the work, saying “this will be aligning with the new Government Strategy related to reducing the number of women in prison”. Baroness Helena Kennedy endorsed the work of Soroptimists relating how she had from personal experience seen how Soroptimists

Crowns and Tiaras for the Coronation Celebration

Crowns and Tiaras for the Coronation Celebration

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St Albans & District Soroptimists and their friends got together for a garden party in Harpenden on Sunday 2 June to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Coronation of the Queen. A wonderful time was had by one and all – it was a glorious day! The food was delicious. The dress-code was regal – from elegant outfits with crowns and tiaras to draped union jack flags and Prince Charles ears!  The hosts for the event were Hilary and David Ratcliffe – Hilary, the Programme Director for Soroptimist International , also present was Penny Williams, a Deputy Lieutenant of Hertfordshire. As well as being great fun, the event raised £500 for Soroptimist International President’s charity “Birthing in the Pacific”: Three women per day die in Papua New Guinea due to complications of pregnancy or childbirth. Birthing in the Pacific aims to save lives by increasing access to skilled birth attendants and health

VSO Volunteer Reports Back on Kenya Experience

VSO Volunteer Reports Back on Kenya Experience

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Last September Elizabeth Sarney went to Kenya as a VSO (Voluntary Service Overseas) Volunteer. The Club welcomed her back to tell Members all about it. Elizabeth is pictured here showing her photos at the Club meeting.  Elizabeth works as a fundraiser for the charity “Freedom from Torture”. She decided to take a 3 month sabbatical to work as a VSO volunteer participating in the International Citizen Service programme in Kenya last September and had to raise £1500 for VSO to be allowed to participate. She came along to the Club last year to tell us about her plans and to sell us some home-made cakes, and we were able to send her away with a donation of £66 and a promise to come back and tell us about her adventures! Elizabeth was based in Malindi, and was working on projects supported by DFID. She worked in a team of 16 where

Refuge Values Club’s Fundraising

Refuge Values Club’s Fundraising

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The St Albans & District Soroptimists raised an amazing £1430 for the St Albans and Hertsmere Women’s Refuge in the club year 2012/13 – even though the Club supported 2 charities this year!  Sara and Liz, Managers at the Refuge, couldn’t believe their eyes when the cheque was presented to them by the Club (see picture). Sara and Liz gave an update on the Refuge – advising that the demand for services from the Refuge are at an all time high at a time when their funding has been cut.The women they care for are fragile and vulnerable – often with complex needs including mental health issues and drug and alcohol problems. They have 22 residential rooms for women and their children and their outreach work reaches 120/130 women a month. The Refuge has used some of the money raised by Soroptimists to help fund educational programmes for victims of domestic abuse. This

Peace: International Women’s Day St Albans

Peace: International Women’s Day St Albans

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“Peace” on a bridge in St Albans: Soroptimist International St Albans & District, held an inspirational “Join Women on the Bridge” event to mark International Women’s Day on Mother’s Day. The crowds gathered bridge over the boating lake Verulamium Park in spite of the cold, wearing white, making a “Stand for Peace and to End Violence Against Women and Girls”. The event has been reported in the St Albans & Harpenden Review: Highlights of the day:   New Testament Church Choir from Fleetville sang “One Day at a time” from the bridge to set the mood. Helen Byrne President of Soroptimist International St Albans & District welcomed everyone – including the Mayor of St Albans, Councillor Eileen Harris Jane Slatter, Soroptimist International Great Britain & Ireland Director of Communications spoke about why we were having  the “Join Women on the Bridge” event in St Albans – making

Top Female Engineer Wins Soroptimist Award

Top Female Engineer Wins Soroptimist Award

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On the 14th November ChenChen Wu (BEng Aerospace Engineering) was awarded the Soroptimist International St Albans and District: Peggy Hodges Prize for the highest performing female student completing the second year of a full time MEng/BEng Engineering degree at the University of Hertfordshire. Peggy Hodges was a highly acclaimed British engineer who was awarded an OBE for her services to engineering at a time when this was even rarer than it is today for a woman. Peggy was a member of Soroptimist International the global women’s organisation and she left a legacy to her Club, St Albans and District. One of the Soroptimist goals is to “improve the lives and status of women and girls through education, empowerment or enabling opportunities”. We created this award for these reasons and in honour of Peggy’s life. Pictured here, following the prize-giving event, from left to right are: Helen Byrne President Soroptimist International St Albans &

Target Ovarian Cancer

Target Ovarian Cancer


Amy Cartlidge came to speak to the Club about Ovarian Cancer and the work of the charity Target Ovarian Cancer. Amy (pictured here on the left next to Club President Helen Byrne) is the Fundraising Manager for the charity and was able to give us in depth information about this terrible disease that kills 4,500 women in the UK every year (compared to 950 women who die each year from cervical cancer). For more information see the Soroptimist International Great Britain & Ireland website and the Target Ovarian Cancer website Soroptimists are working with charities like Target to raise awareness of the disease which could save 3,000 lives/year. March is Ovarian Cancer Awarness Month – so join in with any events to support this deserving cause. Research has shown that the key symptoms to be aware of are: ·         Persistent pelvic or abdominal pain (that’s your tummy

Rewarding Kenyan Jewellery Sales

Rewarding Kenyan Jewellery Sales

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Club Members have been busy selling close to £300 worth of the popular ethnic jewellery handmade by HIV+ve women in Meru Kenya. The Club had a sales stall at Redbourn Fair 3 Nov (pictured here), at the Abbey Theatre Coffee morning in St Albans 15 Nov and at Herts Council Offices on 19 Nov. The jewellery makes great Christmas presents and in addition the timing of the sales coincide with World Aids Day. For more information see  Also pictured here are some of the women with the jewellery they have made and their names with messages of thanks for our support.

Harpenden Under 13 Girls Cricket Champions

Harpenden Under 13 Girls Cricket Champions

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Harpenden Under 13s were crowned champions of the Soroptimist Audrey Collins Girls Hertfordshire Cricket League by beating last year’s winners, Hemel Hempstead, in the county final on Sunday 15 July. The triumphant Harpenden Girls U13s are pictured here with Team Captain Becca Mihill being presented with the shield, trophy and a cheque for £150 by Helen Byrne, President of Soroptimist International St Albans & District .  Becca said afterwards, “it was a brilliant performance from the whole team and fantastic to produce our best performance on the day it really mattered”   This competition was sponsored by the St Albans Soroptimists as a lasting legacy and tribute to past member Audrey Collins who died in 2010. Audrey was an inpirational Soroptimist – a pioneer of Women’s cricket and a trail blazer for women. She received an OBE for services to women’s cricket and was one of the first 10 female members admitted

Heartwood Forest – World Environment Day

Heartwood Forest – World Environment Day


St Albans Soroptimists marked World Environment Day with a guided walk for members and friends (including the 4 legged variety!) in Heartwood Forest, near Sandridge. The Woodland Trust has the opportunity to create the largest native forest in England. On the walk we learnt that 300,000 trees have already been planted and another 300,000 will be planted. The photos are of Pound Wood, ancient woodland where Heartwood got its name from the heart shaped leaves of the lime trees in that wood and a view across the poppy fields when we came out of the woods.  For more about Heartwood Forest see: For more about World Environment Day see:

Visit from Kenya – International Peace Initiative

Visit from Kenya – International Peace Initiative

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“International Peace Initiative” (IPI) is our international project, in Meru, Kenya. Dr Karumbu Ringera, the founder of  IPI met with Club Members on a recent visit. Karambu was able to update us on how the money raised by the Club is being spent to eduate and empower women and girls whose lives have been affected by HIV and AIDS. Karambu showed us pictures of the Amani children’s home  that she has built with help from outside organisations in the UK and USA. Amani means peace in Swahili, and the home is a peaceful place where there are currently 27 children living to carry on their studies. The transformation of the barren wasteland to the lush gardens and organic market garden is amazing. Karambu hopes to create a self-sufficent childrens’ home where produce is grown on site along with some farm animals. The St Albans Club is

St Albans Soroptimist Received by Queen

St Albans Soroptimist Received by Queen

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International Programme Director Hilary Ratcliffe, and member of Soroptimist International St Albans & District (pictured here), represented Soroptimist International at a reception hosted by Queen Elizabeth II. This reception was held in celebration of Commonwealth Day (March 14th) and Her Majesty’s diamond jubilee. Hilary reports back from an eventful evening, (plus a brief history lesson!): “Pussy cat, pussy cat where have you been? I`ve been to London to visit the Queen” * Or so runs the nursery rhyme, written in the 16th Century for Queen Elizabeth I. Well I am not exactly a pussy cat but I did go, on behalf of Soroptimist International (SI), to London to visit the Queen. Last Monday 14th was Commonwealth Day. It is a great day of celebration for all that the Commonwealth stands for. SI has Commonwealth member countries throughout all four Federations so it is right and proper that we

Girls Win First Soroptimist Cricket Award

Girls Win First Soroptimist Cricket Award

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Hemel Hempstead Under 13s – First Winners of the Audrey Collins Girls Hertfordshire Cricket League  The triumphant Hemel Hempstead Girls Under 13s are pictured here being presented with the shield, trophy and a cheque for £150 by Judy Faraday, President of Soroptimist International St Albans & District . Harpenden and Berkhamsted came joint 2nd.             The second photo includes the full team, their coaches, with Soroptimists Helen Byrne and Judy Faraday at the back.   This competition was sponsored by the St Albans Soroptimists as a lasting legacy and tribute to past member Audrey Collins who died in 2010. Audrey was a pioneer of Women’s cricket, a trail blazer for women and an inspiration to everyone who knew her. She received an OBE for services to women’s cricket and was one of the first 10 female members admitted by the MCC in 1999.  Audrey

Wow – £2930 for Women’s Refuge!

Wow – £2930 for Women’s Refuge!


The St Albans & District Soroptimists raised a fabulous £2930 for the St Albans and Hertsmere Women’s Refuge in the club year 2011/12.  The Refuge has used the money to help fund educational programmes for both staff and victims of domestic abuse. This is the third year that the club has supported the Women’s Refuge as the club’s annual charity and the club has decided to support the Refuge again in 2012/13. Soroptimist Club President Judy said “funding is being cut from vital community services like the Women’s Refuge, so it is vital that we support them, particularly in this tough financial climate”. Liz, the manager of the Refuge said to the Soroptimist Club members “This money makes a big difference to us and it’s fantastic that you have decided to support us for another year.”  As well as fundraising, the club has provided tea, coffee and sugar for the Refuge, household items to help women

March in London 8th March International Women’s Day

March in London 8th March International Women’s Day


St Albans Soroptimists joined Women for Women International for the march over the Millennium Bridge as part of the International Women’s Day Celebration “Join me on the Bridge” campaign. Join me on the Bridge is the coming together of women and men around the world, united taking a stand for PEACE and women’s EQUALITY go to and share a message of peace. We even had a Soroptimist from our friendship link in Warsaw join us on the bridge! – Ania Szeremeta is pictured above wearing sunglasses next to Jane Slatter in the yellow tabard Soroptimists all over the world celebrate this special day – there is more information about International Women’s Day on the Soroptimist International Great Britain & Ireland website Pictured on this page are Soroptimists at the event in London in 2012.    

Jewellery to support women and girls in Kenya

Jewellery to support women and girls in Kenya


Jewellery to support women and girls in Kenya St Albans Club members have sold hundreds of pounds worth of beautiful jewellery made by HIV+ve women in Kenya. Pictured above are Club Member Joyce Stubbs with Club President Judy Faraday parading their wares at the Soroptimist International Great Britain and Ireland Conference in Brighton , and pictured below are Club Vice-President Helen Byrne with Club Member Dr Diana Kingham with the jewellery stall. Proceeds from the sale of the jewellery goes to a charity supporting women and children affected by HIV/AIDS in Meru Kenya.   Club member Dr Diana Kingham met the founder and President of the charity Dr Karambu Ringera in Meru Kenya. Diana invited Karambu to speak to the club about her charity  and following this the St Albans Soroptimists were moved to support the charity.

Top Female Engineers Win Soroptimist Award

Top Female Engineers Win Soroptimist Award


On the 9th November Shweta Mehta (MEng in Aerospace Engineering) and Peng Zhao (BSc Hons in Multimedia Technology) were awarded the Soroptimist International St Albans and District: Peggy Hodges Prize for the highest performing female student completing the second year of a full time MEng/BEng Engineering degree at the University of Hertfordshire. Peggy Hodges was a highly acclaimed British engineer who was awarded an OBE for her services to engineering at a time when this was even rarer than it is today for a woman. Peggy was a member of Soroptimist International the global women’s organisation and she left a legacy to her Club, St Albans and District. One of the Soroptimist goals is to “improve the lives and status of women and girls through education, empowerment or enabling opportunities”. We created this award for these reasons and in honour of Peggy’s life. Pictured here, following the prize-giving

Latin Party Sizzler of a Success

Latin Party Sizzler of a Success


Latin Party Sizzler of a Success   The St Albans Soroptimists Latin Jazz and Dance Evening was a sizzler of a success – raising £1000 for the St Albans & Hertsmere Women’s Refuge. Pictured here is Mish getting the party going with a Salsa demo (that’s after a Mojito cocktail) and the wonderful local professional band “Semafour” with guest singer Yvette Byrne who got everyone tangoing onto the dance floor.        

Peace – Dr Karambu Ringera speaks to Club

Peace – Dr Karambu Ringera speaks to Club


Peace – Dr Karambu Ringera speaks to Club Club member Diana Kingham, brought the inpirational Dr Karambu Ringera from Kenya along to speak to us. Dr Ringera spoke to us about how she came to create an orphanage and organisation (International Peace Initiatives) to help Kenyan women and children affected by HIV/AIDS. She has a unique philosopy about helping people to help themselves ,which she developed as a result of her relationships with the women in her project. Please see the website for more information and to find out how you can support her organisation Dr Ringera’s words are as powerful in this video of a presentation to the University of Denver where she studied as they were in person. She has a way of connecting with you through her openess and honesty The Club is now fundraising to support the wonderful work Karambu is doing

First Soroptimist Female Engineering Prize Awarded

First Soroptimist Female Engineering Prize Awarded


Peggy Hodges Soroptimist Female Engineering Award – Congratulations to Tatiana Oliveira On the 10th November 2010 Tatiana Oliveira was presented with the first Peggy Hodges Soroptimist Award at the University of Hertfordshire prize-giving ceremony. This was awarded to a top female Engineering student in memory of our past-member Peggy Hodges OBE. Peggy received prizes and accolades including her OBE for engineering, so this is a fitting tribute tp Peggy.  Tatiana is studying for a BSc in Computer & Network Technology and is a worthy recipient of the award. Pictured here is Tatiana Oliveira being presented with her award by Janet Tansley, President of the St Albans Soroptimists, with Neville Reyner (CBE DL) Chairman of Exemplas University of Hertfordshire. Thanks to Pete Stevens at for the photographs.   For more about the life of Peggy Hodges OBE please follow this link: 

Tree Planting at National Arboretum

Tree Planting at National Arboretum


Arbor Day – National Memorial Arboretum on Saturday 25 September 2010  Members of the St Albans & District Soroptimists were very busy on “Arbor Day” for the dedication of trees for past, present and future Soroptimists at the Soroptimist International plot. From left to right – Laura Redhead planted a tree, Hilary Ratcliffe organised the event, Jean Eaton supported everyone on the day and Christine Farrington delivered the service in the Millennium Chapel.  There were many more members there from London Chilterns Region and from clubs all over the country. The National Memorial Arboretum is in Alrewas in Staffordshire see

St Albans and Warsaw Soroptimists Cultural Exchange

St Albans and Warsaw Soroptimists Cultural Exchange


St Albans and Warsaw Soroptimists Cultural Exchange  The St Albans & District Soroptimists visited their fellow Soroptimists in Warsaw for a cultural exchange weekend in June. The visit coincided with the 200th anniversary of Chopin’s birth, and a highlight of the weekend was going to an al fresco Chopin concert in Royal Lazienski Park. The members who went would thoroughly recommend anyone to go on a sightseeing trip to Warsaw “it’s a really lovely city with so much to see, and everyone made us feel so welcome” said Jean Eaton one of the Soroptimists who lives in Redbourn. The trip was organised by Wanda Bristow, a member who created and manages the friendship link with Soroptimists in Warsaw. Wanda was from Warsaw originally, she is a qualified interpretor for the Polish language, and has lived in St Albans for more than 25 years.  Sally Bear (the club’s well travelled mascot) is pictured here listening to the Chopin concert in front of