Region Development Officer’s Annual Report September 2023
We have in the past worked hard at trying to start new clubs in the region without much success but in terms of development this is very important. Flint was the last area we tried. We should not give up trying to start new clubs and we need to keep an eye out surveying again as this is the main focus if we are to raise our numbers significantly. Our Region need to look again at an area in which there isn’t a club at present and look to connect with women in that locality. The business networks are a good place to connect with local women. It does take time so nothing happens very quickly. Once we identify 8 women, the length of the charter process has been cut down quite a bit and smaller groups are now acceptable .
A joint project with several Clubs would seem to be a good one but would normally be led by programme action, this could be helpful with clubs who have smaller numbers or a local project that would benefit from several local clubs working together I know that Iris and I could work very closely together as development and programme action are so closely linked.
Consultation on new structure
There is a proposed new structure for the Federation. The Board have completed discussions and a consultation paper is expected to be produced by mid-August. This will go directly into the inbox of every member. It will be interesting to see what it says and how it can help us
The key issues it seeks to address are improved communication and a reduction in bureaucracy. Clubs have appreciated the opportunity to operate flexibly and flexibility is a key component in the paper. It is hoped that it will give more opportunity to work in a way that works best for each situation. So please watch out for further developments on the Hub and I would be glad to hear your comments
Further developments from SiGBI
The Board has agreed an outline proposal for a pilot project to start in January 2024. This is a SIGBI initiative that is getting its candidates from those that have applied to the Diamond Education Grant. There will 10-12 participants and although they have an outline programme, it will be tailored to the women in the group. The SIE leadership Academy that runs very successfully is more of a middle management into higher leadership positions and countries in the European Federation apply to run the residential event.
A Shorter Club process
The following documents are now on the Hub do please access them they are to be found under the membership library. The first item replaces the original lengthy document for starting a new club.
Starting a new Club guide – July 2023
Charter Ceremony
Member Code of Conduct
Petition Form
School Clubs Agreement
Workplace Clubs guidance
Good news in our Region
that officers and clubs are being seen in the local community in the shape of orange cafes and attendance at business network meetings and providing activities dressed in orange orang days
Clubs are reporting new members joining. And some are planning events to attract new members and looking at ways such as changing the social meetings to a different day of the week from business meetings
Our region has successfully had a second meeting this month with 6 task group of South Lancashire and we have identified we have much in common and replicate a good number of projects some of our events they have attended and we theirs They were very interested in the Llangollen festival and thought it would be an opportunity for us to meet. They have sent us the date of their Conference next year the 13th May 2024. On the 17th September they are hoping to have a prize giving for the Clubs Bowling activities after reinstating this after the pandemic at their new members luncheon at Statham Lodge, Lymm. It was even discussed possibility of sharing speakers on occasions
We have agreed to meet again in the near future.
Gave a good summer break Yvonne
Yvonne Johns
Region Development officer