Soroptimist Llandudno Celebrating Martha Hughes Cannon
Celebrations have taken place on both sides of the Atlantic To honour the memory of Martha Hughes Cannon. Martha Hughes Cannon was the first female senator anywhere in the USA. Martha Hughes Cannon was born in Llandudno to a mormon family who moved to Utah to escape persecution- there she became a prominent doctor and suffragist. Soroptimist International have been involved with both ceremonies, as an International Organisation whose aim is to educate, empower and enable women, and the Soroptimist Clubs in both countries have been in touch with each other to communicate details about both ceremonies. In Washington D.C. A statue of Martha Hughes Cannon was unveiled in the National Statuary Hall. There is already a plaque in the centre of Salt Lake City to commemorate her achievements which says: “In memory of Martha Hughes Cannon. Pioneer Doctor. First Woman State Senator in