We are very pleased to announce the new Chair of UKPAC (The United Kingdom Programme Action Committee) is Gillie O’Rourke of SI Bebington. Gillie was formerly the Regional Programme Action Officer. We are very proud of her, and wish her well in her new role
Gillie comments on her election to this prestigious position.
“I am extremely honoured to have been elected by my peers to the role of Chair of UKPAC. The role is challenging and wide-ranging covering, as it does, not only working with Regional Programme Action Reps, but also having regular meetings with national partners/organisations as well as the UN and Europe.
We are now a completely new team leading United Kingdom Programme Action (starting with our new Programme Director, Lindsey Green). As a new team we are looking at our strategy and extending the work of the current groups which cover MDS, SDAC and Violence Against Women. Ours main aims are:
To become more outward facing by working with partners as well as Regions and Clubs to encourage more lobbying and advocacy.
- To develop strong, interesting and exciting projects which have a real impact on the lives of women and girls (especially around safety).
- To promote work currently being undertaken by Clubs and encourage more cross Regional and Club working by providing support and more toolbox information.
- To continue the excellent work carried out over the past 4 years.
- By being more outward facing people will know more about what we do and will be encouraged to join Soroptimist International.
The new UKPAC team are:
Chair Gillie O’Rourke
Vice Chair Christine Corless
Communications Keji Moses
Treasurer Ann Hodgson
Secretary Christina Rollanson
I know that I can count on the support of my own Club and Region as the team and I set out on the next several years of Programme Action”.New Chair of UKPAC