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Region Change of Insignia Meeting

Region Change of Insignia Meeting


On November 20th members of the Region met face to face for the Region change of Insignia. This was an excellent day at the Queens Hotel, who did us proud with a fabulous Christmas lunch. Congratulations and thanks were given to Region President Louise Parry on an excellent year leading our Region. The Region has been able to hold many centenary events and challenges throughout the year, and President Louise has been present and at the helm leading each event. Congratulations were given to new incoming President Yvonne Johns, who we know will do a great job leading our Region into a brilliant future. The President elect’s  chain of office was handed to Susan Haywood who is now planning her year of office in 2022-2023, and Gillie O’Rourke has taken on the role of Region Vice President 2023-2024. Chair of Federation Conference 2021 Anne MacDonald

Region Centenary Celebrations in Llandudno

Region Centenary Celebrations in Llandudno

On a beautiful warm October day in Happy Valley Llandudno, the Region came together to celebrate 100 years of Soroptimist International. Fore more detailed information and super photos Please click here Region Time Capsule Region President Louise buried a Time Capsule which included contributions from clubs in the Region, these included: The Time Capsule was buried in front of a memorial bench, made locally from recycled plastic, and  dedicated to 100 years of Soroptimists  
Region Centenary Funwalk #WalkTheRegion

Region Centenary Funwalk #WalkTheRegion


Clubs from  the three different parts of the Region (North Wales, Cheshire and the Wirral) will organise their own walks and these will all end at Wepre Park in Connah’s Quay, where representatives of all clubs from the three parts of the Region will meet. The baton will be passed from English to Welsh Clubs. The walk will then continue to Llandudno where the baton will be handed  from the walkers to Anne MacDonald, Chair of Federation Llandudno Conference.  Keep up to date with Plans and Activity – Click Here  

Region Meeting 13th February Blog

Region Meeting 13th February Blog


Regional Meeting Blog – 13th February 2021 Many thanks to President Louise for hosting another exciting and innovative regional meeting.   Four guests joined the meeting Federation President Elect Cathy Cottridge, Dishi Attwood our speaker and visitors Tara Ramanayake from SI Columbo, Sri Lanka and Chris Knight from SI Moreton, Australia. I want to focus on just a couple of parts of the meeting. The fantastic official trailer for “100 years of Soroptimist Heroines” started the morning.   The trailer consisted of photos of individual members and clubs around the world and photos of members in costume assuming the persona of the “Heroines” they were representing in the play that followed. Looking Back Sue Challoner has written a play detailing important Soroptimists and events from the inception of Soroptimist International to the present day.   Our “heroines” played their parts well and were very convincing with their different

Region Change of Insignia via ZOOM

Region Change of Insignia via ZOOM


Wow!   63 members joined the  Change of Insignia virtual Meeting and Project Glass House presentation via Zoom on 14th November 2020.  The meeting opened at 9.30 allowing 30 minutes for networking and chatting before the Project Glass House presentation started at 10am.   What a clever idea this 30 minutes networking is. Thanks go to Pam, Louise and the regional team for brilliantly delivering the Change of Insignia – a great start to Louise’s year as President. I’ve been doing a lot of reminiscing recently, as no doubt have you, and Louise’s theme “Looking Back, Moving Forward” should be an aspiration to all clubs to look at their past successes and to celebrate them and use them to achieve even more. Who would have thought that 9 months ago we would have had to embrace this technology?    If we’re lucky we have an IT savvy son

Virtual Region Meeting & AGM 19th September

Virtual Region Meeting & AGM 19th September


Soroptimist International, Cheshire, North Wales & Wirral Region invitation to the Region Council Meeting and AGM on Saturday 19th September 2020 Our speaker this morning is Kevin Hyland, OBE the United Kingdom’s first Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner until May 2018; who now continues to lead efforts on the global stage to tackle slavery and human trafficking. The meeting opens at 10am and Kevin Hyland OBE will be speaking at 10.10am. This will be followed at 11.10am by the Annual General Meeting 2020. – finishing at 12pm Please click on the link for  AGM Agenda for Region Council meeting on 19th September 2020 Please let your club Rep know if you are able to attend the meeting and links to join the meeting will be sent out

Region Soroptimists Connect – Saturday of Service

Region Soroptimists Connect – Saturday of Service

Soroptimist Region Cheshire, North Wales & Wirral Connect Region Soroptimists in action, and working in many different ways during these difficult times of Lockdown. Some of our members are working on the frontline -#SoroptimistFrontlineWork - Please click here for stories Many of our members are in action at home making useful items to support the NHS and also making craft items to raise funds - read #SoroptimistsWorkAtHome - Please click here for stories All Region clubs are working in different ways to support their members, and thinking up ways to communicate with each other read #SoroptimistSupportInLockdown - Please click here for stories Clubs have conducted AGM Meetings and Chats virtually - Please click here for stories REGION SOROPTIMISTS CONNECT
Region Meeting 15th February 2020

Region Meeting 15th February 2020

Saturday February 15th, a windy and stormy day in Llandudno, almost 100 Soroptimists gathered together at the Imperial Hotel for the Cheshire North Wales and Wirral Region Meeting. It was an interesting and inspirational day which we all enjoyed and are still talking about. The meeting began with sales tables and raffles and plenty of time to network over coffee. Almost £200 was raised for the Empowering Girls in Nepal Federation Project, a wonderful project that has engaged with all clubs in our Region. An efficiently run and informative Region council meeting took us nicely up to the lunch break. In the afternoon we were privileged to be given a presentation on Specialist Domestic Violence Courts by Dame Vera Baird. Members will find her presentation in Region communications Dropbox and is available for all clubs to use. As part of her presentation Dame Vera described
Region Meeting November 16th 2019

Region Meeting November 16th 2019

Over seventy members from across the Region met today to welcome our new joint Region Presidents, say thank you to the Region Officers who are stepping down and welcome the members who are replacing them. Plenty of time was allowed for networking, browsing stalls and catching up with friends from across the Region,  we also enjoyed an early festive lunch. Presidents Pam and Louise introduced their theme for the year ‘ Stop Exploitation Crimes Against Women and Girls. They  described their programme for Region meetings which will each have a theme and they challenged clubs to participate with them on each theme.  In February Domestic Violence,  in June Modern Day Slavery and in September Prison Reform. Members then listened to a very interesting and at times moving report from SI South Caernarfonshire about their Amethyst Project -  this is the name of a Sexual Abuse
Region AGM & Meeting 21st September 2019

Region AGM & Meeting 21st September 2019

The Meeting opened with President Pam inviting Pearl Roberts (SI Rhyl) to light the Peace candle. The theme for this year’s Peace Day – Climate Action for Peace was then linked in a short presentation to the Region project to re-cycle plastic’ This was followed by the Region AGM The following members were elected to Region roles for the coming year: Region President (shared role) – Pam CH and Louise Parry Region Secretary – Pat Kerfoot Region Treasurer – Diane Bennett Region Membership Officer – Penny Clarke Region Benevolent Officer – Iris Bateman Region Ambassador for the Federation Project – Susan Heywood Co-opted to the Region Finance Committee – Wendy Thompson. Region Communications Team - Sue Challoner, Helen Owen, Doreen Jones Caroline Marsh   After the AGM Region Federation Councillor Hilary went through the Resolutions to be debated at Conference and encouraged members to look