Region Change of Insignia Meeting
On November 20th members of the Region met face to face for the Region change of Insignia. This was an excellent day at the Queens Hotel, who did us proud with a fabulous Christmas lunch. Congratulations and thanks were given to Region President Louise Parry on an excellent year leading our Region. The Region has been able to hold many centenary events and challenges throughout the year, and President Louise has been present and at the helm leading each event. Congratulations were given to new incoming President Yvonne Johns, who we know will do a great job leading our Region into a brilliant future. The President elect’s chain of office was handed to Susan Haywood who is now planning her year of office in 2022-2023, and Gillie O’Rourke has taken on the role of Region Vice President 2023-2024. Chair of Federation Conference 2021 Anne MacDonald